Career Opportunities at Earlybird Portfolio Companies

Are you seeking a new challenge at a growing startup where you can truly make a difference, take ownership, help build a function and change the world of tomorrow for the better? Below you'll find open jobs from the entire #EBVCGang. We are also hiring at Earlybird! If you want to work with us, please send us your application.


San Francisco, CA, USA · Berlin, Germany · Berlin, Germany · New York, NY, USA


Content and Publishing · Data and Analytics · DeepTech · Media · Software


51-200 employees



founded in


Inkitt is the world's first reader-powered book publisher. They have developed an algorithm that predicts bestsellers by analyzing reading behaviour. At Inkitt, they believe that every author should have an equal chance to succeed. That’s why they’re building the fairest and most objective publishing house in the world by finding hidden talents and turning them into globally successful authors. They're a team of 30 hard-working, extremely talented, and highly dedicated entrepreneurs and have raised $5m to level up and get closer to their goal: to help debut authors dominate the NY Times Best Seller list.

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Open jobs at Inkitt

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